Pokémon Vidid Voltage

The Vivid Voltage Pack is an expansion of the Pokémon Trading Card Game’s Sword & Shield collection, with a targeted launch in November 2020. It is famous for showcasing cards that highlight Electric-type Pokémon and contains powerful cards with unique abilities.
Highlighted characteristics of the Vivid Voltage collection consist of:
Pikachu VMAX is the set’s main card, showcasing a Gigantamax Pikachu at its enormous size.
Wonderful Rares: An exclusive kind of rare card with a distinctive artwork featuring multiple colors. Zacian, Zamazenta, and Rayquaza are among the Pokémon highlighted as Amazing Rares.
V and VMAX Cards: These cards provide strong variations of Pokémon such as Togekiss VMAX, Orbeetle VMAX, and others.
Secret Rare Cards: Unique cards that surpass the set’s official numbering and are in high demand among collectors. This may consist of VMAX cards in rainbow colors and rare cards in golden.
A booster pack has 10 cards, with one rare or holo card, one reverse holo, and other common or uncommon cards.